Our Parish Hall


1. The booking of the Community Hall has to be made during office hours only.

Office Hours:-

Thursday  9.00a.m.-1.30p.m.

Friday 9.00a.m.-1.30p.m.

2. With effect from 2nd  February 2021 the hire of the Hall is £15.00 per hour, or part hour, to be paid in advance. A refundable cash deposit of £50.00 cash (no cheque) may be required at the time of booking.

3. Application to hire the facility must be made on the approved form.

4. It will be the hirer’s responsibility to ensure the Conditions of Hire are observed.

5. Events and activities must be properly supervised. The hirer must be adult (18years+) and be on the premises during the whole time of hiring. The activity must be conducted in a way that has due regard to the quality of the facility and its location. A reminder that health and safety instructions must be followed and that smoking is not permitted. Children and vulnerable adult procedures are the responsibility of the hirer.

6. It is the Hirers’ responsibility to ensure that adequate insurance cover is placed in respect of the Hirer’s legal liability for loss or damage to the buildings of the Hall and its contents. The Hirer shall indemnify the Owner against any consequential losses suffered arising out of the activities of the Hirer. The Hirer shall be responsible for all property brought on to the premises of their guests.

7. Nothing is to be done that may cause nuisance to the occupiers or users of neighbouring properties.

8. Nothing to be fixed by any means whatsoever to walls, doors, windows or floor of the facility or to furniture, curtains or any other fixtures and fittings.

9. No furniture or equipment (electrical or otherwise) is to be brought into the facility without prior approval.

10. The cost of any damage done to the facility, its furniture or equipment, as a result of the hire, will be the responsibility of the hirer.

11. Nothing is to be applied to the floor for dancing purposes and footwear likely to damage to floors (e.g. stiletto heels, studded shoes etc.) is not permitted.

12. Intoxicating drinks cannot be brought into the Community Hall unless permission has been obtained. In certain circumstances an application for a drinks license may be required.

13. Smoking is not allowed anywhere in the Community Hall premises.

14. The use of the facility beyond 11.00p.m. will only be allowed in exceptional circumstances.

15. The Community Hall must be vacated promptly at the end of the hire period and left in a clean and tidy condition. The tables, chairs and catering equipment should be returned, by carrying, not dragging, to where they were found. Nothing is to be removed from St. Joseph’s Community Hall.

16. The hirer should contact the key holder to confirm arrangements for the opening and locking up of the Hall.

17. The hirer must make an appropriate entry in the Users' Record Book.



Persons hiring the facility should note the following:-

 Please note the hall does not hold a licence for alcohol. A temporary Licence must be obtained at least 10 days before the event. The licence is available from the Derbyshire Dales District Council, Town Hall, Matlock. A copy must be produced for the Community Hall Management.

There is no charge for time taken in clearing up and the hirer should ensure that this is adequately carried out so that parts of the premises hired, including the toilets, kitchen and entrance, are left in a clean condition.

All rubbish must be removed at the end of the period of hire because of the limited disposal facilities available.

The owners accept no responsibility for damage to, theft from or loss of cars parked on site.

Care must be taken to avoid the spillage of liquids onto the floor and, in the event of spillage, it must be cleared up promptly.

Hirers are responsible for ensuring observance of the Health & Safety at Work Act and the COSHH regulations.

It is the responsibility of hirers to familiarise themselves with the Fire Instructions displayed and to ensure that these are complied with.


It is the Hirers’ responsibility to ensure that adequate insurance cover is in place in respect of the Hirer’s legal liability for loss or damage to the buildings of the Hall and its contents. The Hirer shall indemnify the Owner against any consequential losses suffered arising out of the activities of the Hirer. The Hirer shall be responsible for all property brought on to the premises and the property of their guests.

 There is no public telephone in the building. Hirers should provide their own (mobile) telephone links for contacting Emergency Services. The nearest public telephone is at the Post Office, Bank Road, Matlock.

To make a booking, please contact the Parish office.